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Whoever saves one life, save the world entire

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Other Attached Departments/Organizations under the Ministry of Interior

Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi

Minister of Interior

Capt. (Retd.) Muhammad Khurram Agha

Secretary Ministry of Interior

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About Civil Defence

Federal Civil Defence Department Functions under the administrative control of the Ministry of Interior. It came into being under Civil Defence Act 1952, to exist as war-oriented organization. Status of Federal Civil Defence has been determined as a policy making body (relevant to civil defence subjects) not as a field organization. Department is mandated for coordinated passive defence policy and planning besides having powers to implement Civil Defence measures in collaboration with the other stake holders

Federal Civil Defence Department is, in addition, also mandated for establishment and maintenance of training facilities (through its training institutions across Pakistan) for the public / private sector organizations besides providing Fire / life safety consultancy services to the above